Tuesday, February 19, 2013

La Bisboccia

""""""La Bisboccia
Via Filippo Corridoni, 21
50134 Firenze
Tel. 055 4221341

Prezzo: Groupon 12 Euro
1 Pizza Vegetariana
1 Pizza Quattro Stagioni
2 Coca-Cola in Lattina

ANNIE: 4/10
La Bisboccia - what a great name for a pizzeria! It's fun to say, and its meaning is happy: revelry, merrymaking, spree. The building and the staff both seem to be perfectly suited to bisbocci-ery too, if I'm allowed the artistic license to say so (and I think I am, seeing as how I'm the one who grants them around here!) Yes, I think the combination of bisboccia and debauchery (minus any negative connotations) is exactly what exudes from the cramped downstairs dining room and the plump and cheery older woman who waits the tables...and even from my Vegetariana (mozzarella, zucchini, eggplant, artichokes, olives) with its festive handful of corn thrown on top. That's right, corn on a pizza! That's the pure definition of bisboccia if you ask me. Now, I only had a coke with my pizza, and I think a beer might have been more appropriate...then maybe I wouldn't have been paying as much attention to what I was eating: undercooked crust, thin slices of eggplant that tasted strangely of rotting meat, and an unfortunate long blond hair that decided to take a dip in the tomato sauce and then stick to the side of my knife. Ekkk!

FABIO: 4/10
La base di questa pizza è uno strato gommoso non proprio invitante, soprattutto quando non è più calda. Gli ingredienti sopra sono così e così, però peggiorati da un pomodoro da un sapore troppo forte. Quindi una pizza come ce ne sono tante, purtroppo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sono sempre io il solito consigliere

provate mr pizza via pietrapiana aperto fino a tarda notte

poi davvero son finite tutte o aspettate che ne aprano di nuove o si cambia città!!