Viale Senese, 17
50124 Firenze
Tel. 055 222127
Prezzo: Groupon 19 Euro
1 Pizza Campagnola
1 Pizza Capricciosa
2 Coca-Cola in Lattina (500mL)
ANNIE: 7/10
Il Conte Ugolino gifted me my first positive experience with Groupon. It started with the coccoli which were served with prosciutto crudo and stracchino cheese and was supposed to end with coffee, but when we opted to skip the caffeine, they offered us slices of their delicious desserts instead! And somewhere in the middle there we ate our pizzas and gulped down huge cokes. I ordered the Campagnola (Mushrooms, Sausage and Olives) and Fabio got the Capricciosa (Without Pig Parts). The toppings were plentiful but diced, and anytime you put small bits in a reddish cheesiness you risk creating that regurgitated look which, of course, is somewhat unappetizing. But, atop a crunchy crust of larger-than-average diameter, it didn't taste anything like what it looked like...so that was good!
FABIO: 6/10
Pizza nella norma, niente di speciale. La tipologia è crosta bassa - ingredienti
accettabili. Se state tornando da un lungo viaggio e vi viene in mente che
l'ultima cosa che desiderate è arrivare a casa e mettervi a cucinare, anche
perchè forse non avete niente, se siete in zona può andare bene. I proprietari
sono gentili e veloci nel servirvi, i dolci sono buoni. Ma questa è un'altra
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