Via delle Cinque Vie, 51
50125 Firenze
Tel. 055 685740
Prezzo: Groupon 19 Euro
1 Pizza Porcini
1 Pizza Boscaiola
2 Coca-Cola in Lattina
ANNIE: 4/10
Boscaiola is my favorite, but there were lots of other pizzas on the menu that I wouldn't have minded trying...well, before I ate this one that is. The crust was thin, and debatably undercooked. The cheese was what I'll call circus cheese - the cheese they use for the starving masses because it's cheap, looks good from afar, and you don't need returning customers because, hey, you're only here for the weekend anyway. The circus cheese has only one trick: looks good, tastes gross. The porcini were squishy and watery and equally disgusting. I just hope the sausage wasn't expired, because that would just be the cherry on the cupcake, wouldn't it? But I seem to be doing ok. My advice is to take your party elsewhere, unless you're coming for the appetizers/desserts, which weren't too bad.
FABIO: 3/10
C'è proprio l'atmosfera che qui la pizza la propongano giusto perchè c'è sempre qualcuno incontentabile che non vuole prendere i piatti caratteristici della casa. Sicuramente nessuno va al Casale per mangiare la pizza. Gli ingredienti sono di scarsa qualità: la mozzarella, di quelle bianche e belle a vedersi ma false nel sapore, il pomodoro non fresco, la pasta sottile e poco cotta. Speravo che prendendola con i porcini l'avrei almeno migliorata, e invece proprio i funghi hanno dato il colpo di grazia rendendo impossibile finire la pizza. Da aggiungere che il tutto era immerso in troppo olio. Sconsigliato.
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