Tuesday, May 22, 2012

La Taverna di Castruccio

""""""La Taverna di Castruccio
Via Pisana, 129b
50018 Scandicci (FI)
Tel. 055 751198

Prezzo: Groupon 12 Euro
1 Pizza Castruccio
1 Pizza Margherita
2 Coca-Cola in Lattina

ANNIE: 7/10
Everyone turned and stared as we walked in, so either we are way better-looking (or way worse-looking) than we thought we were, or this is a strictly neighborhood joint that doesn't see many outsiders. The place was small and packed, so it was a little awkward. But, we got over it pretty quickly and ordered our pizzas. My Castruccio (sausage, black olives, onions, mushrooms, and parmesan), with its tangle of purple worms atop, had quite the unappetizing look to it...but part of it was because I was expecting onions like the ones on American pizzas, which are usually white and diced in perfect rectangles. Despite its appearance, the mixture of ingredients had a non-surprisingly great flavor. The crust was thin, only crunchy on the rim, and had (contrary to Fabio's appraisement) a nice salty flavor. If I lived next door, you could bet I'd be there every week.

FABIO: 5/10
Peccato, gli ingredienti non sono male, non eccezionali, ma la mozzarella è discreta e il pomodoro non disturba. Il grande problema è la pasta: primo di tutto ha un sapore di un qualcosa di fastidiosamente insapore, non so se per il sale o forse per il fatto, e qui sta il problema più grave, che è poco cotta! La base è molliccia, gommosa, forse anche questo altera il gusto, sta di fatto che il risultato complessivo è falsato.

1 comment:

Hymer said...

Nice Blog, Annie.
Andrea ;)